18 June 2010

IOW, Rockness, and more from Snowbombing Festival

I won't even try to pretend. I am really frustrated. it is really really frustrating when a band you like is playing all these festivals in a whole 'nother country and you can't see ANY of the footage but I have to HEAR people saying "they were good." I know they were good. DUH. and they played the new songs. NEW SONGS. and I can't see or hear ANY of it! ::grumble::

the closest I've been to experiencing something live is a v. short interview they did with Annie Mac last last Friday at Rockness. Ed Mac didn't want to say much b/c he said he didn't want to interrupt the ravers so not much was said at all before they introduced a minimix for Annie (phooey!)

here is an 'interview' the Rockness people did with Ed Mac a week before they appeared on the Friday of the festival at Inverness. pretty silly. it was however useful for linking up to this nice video from Reading 2009 that I've never seen before:

and here is a this NME article about their appearance at Isle of Wight last Sunday. boggles my mind why Ed Mac would dedicate 'Kiss of Life' to all the Pink fans...heh. also that bit of "Enjoy the rest of your day," declared the frontman ahead of set closer 'Paris, "but remember us!' n'awwww, bless.

it just so happened that on the same page there was an interview from Mayrhofen (Snowbombing) in April, so I thought I'd link to it. the promoter mock disses the Friendly Fires set and says Ed Mac is an obvious star b/c his shirt is soaked through with sweat, and Edd Gibson being hilarious as usual. big worry: it sounds like this album is far, far away from being completed, let alone released. I guess this is why XL did not bother to put their name on their release list of 2010. disappointed.

Jay-Z and Beyonce to guest star on 'Paris'? fact or fiction? hehehe...Gibson, you're such a kidder.

I can't figure out how to embed the video - or rather I tried to copy and paste the embed code from NME but I don't think it's working. so click here.

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